Taylor Fry

Michel works primarily with government departments, using data to bolster decision-making and tailor policy design with a rigorous evidence base. She has deep experience in the social sector, undertaking person-centric predictive modelling across welfare systems, justice and veterans.

By modelling the use of government benefits and services, Michel has supported the Australian and New Zealand governments to see a clear picture of people’s service usage, needs and their future lifetime trajectories. This has been used to better design policies and programs, as well as facilitate government operations. She says:

“By breaking down complex insights, actuaries offer our clients those critical pieces of the puzzle that give them the best chance of solving their problems. Being a strong communicator is a powerful skill.”

Michel has a particular interest in bringing actuarial value to climate and sustainability issues. She’s also a keen mentor for young people, with a focus on providing training, coaching and development opportunities.

Michel’s Qualifications
  • Associate of the Actuaries Institute Australia
  • Chartered Enterprise Risk Actuary
  • Bachelor of Commerce (Actuarial Studies, Financial Economics), UNSW

Michel Zhou’s
Areas of Expertise

Michel Zhou’s Areas of Expertise

Health and Aged Care

Make data-driven decisions to improve systems and services

Climate and Sustainability

Identify, measure and manage climate risk, and capture opportunities arising from climate change

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